IgorPro procedures

IconAll the procedures have been written on a Macintosh with Wavemetric's IgorPro 3.14, a data analysis software which is especially useful for scientific applications. The procedures should be able to run on all platforms and IgorPro 3.x versions. I appreciate IgorPro for its ability to produce high-qualitiy EPS graphs and its powerful programming possibilities with its macro-derived language.

Most of the procedures contain a more or less extensive header or download detailled information (pdf icon, 768 kB, 20 pages, German) . Almost all use some conventions like x-waves end with "X", y-waves with "Y", waves don't use wave scaling etc. The (text) procedure files are only a few kilobytes. Most of the procedures will contain some code that the normal user won't need.

Importing data  

reads a variety of ASCII data formats as produced by Spekol 1100, Uvikon 942, PE LS-50B or other spectrometer formats with logging their origin, labelling waves according to the orginal file name. All the settings can be controlled by a context-sensitive panel.

ReadJCAMPfile.ipf reads JCAMP files from Bruker Vector 33, Spekol 1100 and PE Lamda 9 as scaled waves
ReadAutolabfiles.ipf reads impedance spectra, voltammogramms and other formats from Autolab data files
ReadCV.ipf reads cyclic voltammogramms as exported by BAS systems. It reads and displays header informations and can color subsequent segments differently
Read_TN6500_Spectra.ipf reads Tracor Northern 6500 ASCII exported spectra
General tools  
AusreisserEntfernen.ipf sets outliers as NaNs or kills them
TagForCursorA.ipf sets a tag at cursor A which contains x-, y- values, values from a wave or other combinations as you choose. It can find a maxima/minima between two cursors and label it automatically.
MakeLegend.ipf creates a legend with a given number of entries based on the waves displayed in the top graph. Waves can be associated by their trace index or by a number index in their wavename.
ColorWaves.ipf colors all displayed waves from a start to an end color based on their trace index
CopyGraphOrTable.ipf makes copies of all or a set of waves in a graph or table under a different name (prefix added)
Integralberechnung.ipf calculates area below x-y wave pair curve considering different cursor positions
KurveAlsGauss.ipf fits three Gauss waves to a x-y wave pair (constraints possible), parameters are logged in a table
ScanString.ipf emulates scanf command from C
Working with timedrive data  
TDzusammenhaengen.ipf assembles several timedrives into one wave
Kurvenparameter.ipf calculates average, noise and drift for a signal
BestAnsprechfu.ipf determines 90 or 95% response time based on a slow or a fast response model
Events2Tags.ipf and ExtEvents2Tags.ipf attaches tags with content of a text wave along a displayed wave and a more general version
ExtractValuesFromWaves.ipf extracts values of all curently displayed waves in a graph at a one or two given cursor location and logs them in a table
ExtractYYValuesFromWaves.ipf extracts averaged y-informations from two waves as well as the x-information, displays it in a graph and logs it in a table
ZoomInTimedriveForData.ipf automates finding interesting parts along a displayed wave for value extraction
Optical spectroscopy  
AbsSpectraUtilities.ipf designed to work with specially designed Igor Text files containing a large number of absorbance spectra
BestExtinktionskoeff.ipf calculates the fraction of each species in a two species absorbance series
MakeSternVolmerPlot.ipf creates a Stern-Volmer Plot from a I0/I vs. concentration plot and can fit a one/two-component Stern-Volmer fit to it and log the coefficients into a table
MakeSternVolmerFit.ipf fits various models (one-site, two-site, continouous distribution) to a model
Spektren2Wellenzahlen.ipf converts spectra from nm into cm-1 domain with necessary spectra bandwith intensity correction

Spektren_3Dgenerieren.ipf and Spektren_Allg3Dgenerieren.ipf

generates a 3D spectra plot from a row of spectra or from more general data
Impedance spectroscopy  
ImpedanceUtilities.ipf can fit/ simulate various equvalent circuits to a large series of impedance spectra data following a flexible enumeration convention. Works also on individual spectra. Co-authored with others, see doc.


Downloads are free, non-commercial use only. Procedures are provided as is, no support guaranteed. If you happen to improve them please send me a copy.
© by Thomas Roth 2001

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